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  • Linearized output to temperature
  • Input RTD PT100 with 3-wire compensation
  • Factory calibrated for fixed range
  • Metal housing
  • Fits standard heads
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N/A Die-cast zinc, enamel painted N/A 0 to 140 ºF N/A Celsius N/A 4 mA to 20 mA, 3-wire Add To Cart
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N/A Die-cast zinc, enamel painted N/A 0 to 140 ºF N/A Celsius N/A 4 mA to 20 mA, 3-wire Add To Cart
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176 - 177 of 177 | Results Per Page | View | Unit of Measure
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1533 Gehman Road | Harleysville, PA 19438 | Phone: 267-933-6300 | Fax: 267-933-6305 | Toll Free: 800-645-6733 | Email: [email protected]
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